Top 25 gifts for your dog

Christmas gifts for your dogGift recommendations for your dog

It’s the season of giving. We’ve put together some great gift ideas for your dog to make sure they aren’t forgotten.

From things they’ll appreciate to adorable festive treats, we’ve got you covered. 

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25 Gifts for your Dog

1. Matching Christmas Pyjamas

Is there anything sweeter than a matching pyjama set? Some people might find it cringy, but we are lovers of pyjamas to match your puppy. 

2. Dog-friendly Advent Calendar

It’s never too late to give your dog an advent calendar. Everybody enjoys the small daily treat in the lead-up to Christmas.

3. Stimulating Dog Toys

These are a great choice for keeping your dog mentally stimulated during the day. Good examples of this type of gift are food puzzles or hide-and-seek puzzle toys. 

4. Waterproof Dog Beds

This might be more of a gift that you appreciate, but if you’re potty training your puppy then we couldn’t recommend this gift anymore! Trust us, you’ll be glad you bought it. 

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5. Festive Fun Toys

There are so many good dog toys that you could buy for your pet. Whether it’s a Kevin the carrot soft toy or a sprout-shaped ball, they’re always fun gifts to give.

6. A New Collar

A lovely new collar is a great way to make sure your dog looks its best on their Christmas day walk. 

7. Heated Pet Beds

Perfect for the Winter. Getting a pet-safe heated bed is a gift that your dog will thank you for! Feeling toasty warm while you snooze would make any dog happy. 

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8. Dog Cooling Mats For Summer

Hear us out on this. While your dog definitely won’t be wanting to use this over the Winter, as the weather gets warmer they’ll thank you for it.  Come Spring and Summer they’ll be able to easily keep cool. 

9. A Brand-New Blanket

Whether you decide to go full festive or just fancy picking a new blanket, it’s a good gift for a dog. They’ll be able to cuddle up to a soft new blanket over the festive season. 

10. Pet-friendly Christmas Stockings

It’ll help your puppy to feel included with their very own dog-friendly Christmas stocking. You’ll find that there are plenty of options to choose from. 

11. Puppy Hamper

Everybody loves a Christmas hamper. It’s an opportunity for you to either buy a pre-made one or put together a more personalised one. You can include your pet’s favourite items like yummy treats, a new ball and even some new toys. 

12. Festive Clothes

With this one, you’ll either be a lover or a hater of this idea. And your dog will be the same! Not all pets enjoy wearing clothes, but for those that do, a festive outfit is an adorable gift choice for your dog. 

13. A New Pet Bowl 

You can pick a pet bowl to suit your puppy. For dogs that are messy eaters, you might want to consider a stainless steel dog food bowl. They tend to be easier to clean and are more durable long term. 

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14. Personalised Gifts

Ok, this is a broad suggestion. But personalised dog gifts are a great choice for pets that already have everything. If they love coats, consider a personalised one. More into food? Get them a personalised food bowl. The options are endless. 

15. Automatic Pet Feeders

This is another gift that’s for both the dog and its owner. An automatic pet feeder is a must-have in our opinion. Not only can it help relieve the burden in a busy household, but you can also set it off to provide smaller batches of food for overeaters. 

16. Dog Treats

Everybody loves getting treats. The pet industry is full of perfect products that your puppy will love. From a selection box alternative to ‘doggy biscuits’, the options are endless. 

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17. Teething Toys 

This is actually great for dogs that are fond of chewing things they shouldn’t. Giving them an alternative can help them satisfy their urge to bite, without ruining your slippers!

18. Indoor Puppy/Small Dog Steps

If your pooch is small, having little steps for them to use to climb onto furniture is a lifesaver. It helps make your home more accessible to small dogs and puppies. 

19. Portable Water Bottles

This gift will mean they never go thirsty. Portable water bottles are particularly useful when it’s warm, but they can be used all year round. They allow you to give your dog a chance to hydrate without having to wait until they’re home. 

20. A Smart Coat 

With the weather getting colder, a snazzy new coat is a great idea for a gift for your dog. There is more choice out there now than ever before. 

21. Calming Plugins

Particularly important if your dog gets anxious for whatever reason. A dog calming plugin can help lower stress in pets and help them feel more mellow. 

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22. A Light Up Lead and Collar

As the nights get darker, this is a great pet gift to keep you both safe when going for your walks. There are a few different options from fully lit-up ones to ones that just glow in the dark.

23. An Automatic Ball Launcher

If you struggle with throwing balls, or if you just want to spoil your pet this is a lovely gift. There are a few different options, but they all will automatically launch balls without needing you to keep throwing them.

24. Paw Covers

Paw covers will help keep their toes nice and warm. The underside of their paws are extremely sensitive, so protecting them from cold icy floors is important. Although don’t be surprised if initially, your pet might resist wearing them, or even walk funny when they’re on. 

25. A Glow in the Dark Ball

As it starts to get darker earlier, a glow-in-the-dark ball is a nice way to spoil your pet with gifts this Christmas. It will also make your life easier when you’re desperately searching for that ball as it gets dark. 

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