Your Easy Guide on How to Stop Dogs Chewing Furniture

Effective tips and tricks on how to stop dogs chewing things

tips to stop your dogs from chewingLet’s be honest, dogs are pretty great. But sometimes their destructive habits can be a challenge to deal with. One common struggle that pet owners have is how to stop dogs from chewing furniture. 

So, if you’ve come home to a table leg chewed beyond recognition, don’t worry you’re not alone. And we’ve even got some easy tips to curb this behaviour and keep your furniture intact. 


Our tips to prevent dogs from chewing on furniture

1. Provide Suitable Alternatives

alternatives to chewing furniture for dogsDogs have an innate need to chew. And so sometimes providing them with appropriate items to gnaw on can make a huge difference. 

Bone marrow is a really good choice if you’re looking for a suitable alternative that your dog can chew down on. It’ll cover their innate need to bite and chew whilst also being pretty good for their dental health. Bonus!

It’s a good idea to offer a variety of bone marrow options to help keep them interested for longer. It’s best to get raw bones as cooked bones can splinter and cause a risk to your pooch.

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2. Use Lemon Juice as a Deterrent

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, and they're often repelled by strong scents. Lemon juice can be an effective natural deterrent due to its sour smell and taste. But before using it, we’d recommend you test a small, inconspicuous area of your furniture to ensure it won't cause discolouration first!

Dilute lemon juice with water and lightly spray it on areas your dog tends to chew. Remember, consistency is key! Reapply the solution every few days to reinforce the association between the smell and the undesirable behaviour.

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3. Reinforce Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping your dog's behaviour. Instead of focusing solely on correcting unwanted actions, concentrate on praising and rewarding your dog when they exhibit good behaviour. 

For example, when you catch your dog avoiding the furniture and choosing to chew on their bone marrow or a designated toy. You can reinforce this positive behaviour by showering them with praise, treats, and affection. This positive association will encourage them to repeat the behaviour that earns them these rewards.

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4. Engage Your Dog's Mind

engaging your dogChewing furniture can sometimes be a result of boredom or excess energy. So it’s worth trying to engage your dog's mind and body with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime. 

A tired and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to resort to destructive behaviours out of frustration. Regular exercise and engaging activities can significantly reduce the chances of your dog turning to your furniture for entertainment.

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5. Protect Furniture with Physical Barriers

While the above methods are effective, it's wise to use physical barriers initially to prevent your dog from accessing the furniture they're prone to chewing.

Consider using baby gates or closing doors to keep them out of certain rooms. Particularly when you're not around to supervise! Over time, as your dog learns appropriate behaviour, you can gradually reintroduce them to these spaces.

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Want more doggy tips?

If you’re a dog owner looking for more expert tips to make being a puppy parent easier, then you should check out our handy guide section for more advice and tips!

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