How to settle a puppy into a new home – understanding puppy behaviour

A guide on puppy behaviour training, settling your puppy in and preventing puppy separation anxiety. 

Although breeds can help you predict puppy characteristics, they will always have their own puppy personalities. It’s important to understand your new puppies behaviour to know what’s normal and what is a puppy warning sign.

How to help a puppy settle into their new home

Remember, your new puppy is experiencing a lot of things for the first time. This will be an exciting but potentially scary time for them. It’s important to be patient and take things at your puppy’s pace.

  • Use something that has the mother’s scent on to help calm your puppy

A blanket usually works best as it will hold the scent of the mother for up to a week. This smell will be calming for your new pup as they get used to their new surroundings.

  • Socialise them slowly

This goes for other pets and other family members (especially if you have young children as they tend to be loud). It’s a good idea to introduce the calmest members of the family first.

  • Gradually introducing them to being handled/being groomed

Your puppy may not be used to being handled very often. It’s important to gradually build up to holding them, inspecting their eyes and ears, and even grooming them. Baby steps, your new pet will get there.

  • Have consistent routines and rules

This helps your puppy learn what to expect. Having routines repeated helps them learn what will happen next and this can help limit anxiety in your new pet.

  • Feed them the same puppy food they’ve had before.

The fewer changes the puppy experiences, the calmer they will likely be.

Preventing Puppy Separation Anxiety

It’s important to remember that your new puppy is not used to being alone. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by their dog siblings. So, being alone for them can be scary.

Tops tips to limit your puppy’s separation anxiety.
  • Crate training your puppy can help keep them calm and out of trouble.
  • Always remain calm as your puppy will sense your mood. If you seem happy and normal, then they are less likely to worry.
  • Build up to longer lengths of time. It can be extremely effective if done gradually and consistently. It helps your puppy learn that you will be coming back.
  • If your new dog still has troubles, it might be worth asking a neighbour to pop in midway through the day or even to hire a puppy walker to break up the periods of separation.

What is normal new puppy behaviour?

  • Mouthing and Chewing

This is like the puppy equivalent of a baby teething. It’s normal, but your dog may resist you trying to break this habit.

Discouraging them by loudly saying ‘Ouch’ and ceasing attention whenever your dog does it to show that it’s unacceptable. Giving your dog chew toys and reinforcing the good behaviour by petting them can help break the habit of chewing.

  • Jumping

This is a common behaviour but can become a problem as your dog grows. It can be corrected by telling your dog ‘off’ loudly and ceasing all attention until all four paws are back on the ground.

  • Housebreaking issues

Your puppy may need extra help with house training. It needs time and patience, but your dog will get there. For more advice on how to toilet train your new pet click here.

  • Timid behaviour

Everything is new for your puppy and so they might initially be quite timid. Taking things slowly and calmly will help your puppy get used to their new surroundings.

What are considered warning signs for new dogs?

  • Drinking a lot or too little
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Lack of energy or lethargy
  • Poor balance or difficulty with regular movement
  • Wincing, whining, or crying
  • Sickness or diarrhoea

Any of the above could be signs that your new puppy is sick or injured. They should be taken to a vet for a thorough examination.

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