For Sale
We have 1 stunning maltipoo boy left with the most amazing personality. He is so loving and absolutely loves snuggles and being around people. His playful and has a cheekiness about him.He would make an excellent addition to any family or a great companion.
Only 1 left!!
1 boy sold
1 boy left
1 girl sold
Our beautiful girl rocket has give birth 3 of the most adorable puppies. Both mum and dad are family pets. Mum is maltipoo and dad is toy poodle. The puppies have been brought up in the home with mum dad and our other dogs so the puppies are very sociable. They are very used to household noises (tv,hover,washing machine ect). The pups have also been brought up around children and are absolutely amazing with them.
The puppies have already began to ween on to solid food. Currently eating bakers puppy dry food mashed up, pedigree puppy wet food, they also have top life puppy milk. As they continue to progress with solid they will have a variety of fresh foods prepared to go along with the above this will consist of fresh chicken breast, pasta, rice, vegetables and fruit.
The puppies have already on there own accord began to use the garden for the toilet throughout the day and are doing exceptionally well.
The puppies have had there first vaccination, they are microchipped and they will are to date with flea and worming treatment and are vet checked.
The puppies can be viewed with mum and dad. You can have a viewing in person or if you'd prefer I'd be happy to a video call viewing prior to travelling.
The puppies are £1250 if you'd like to reserve a puppy we do ask for a non refundable deposit of £300
Your chosen puppy will leave with a goodie bag which will have the puppies vaccination card, blanket with mums scent on, a toy, a carton of puppy milk and some puppy food.
We are happy to also negotiate on the travelling meeting half way or dropping your puppy to your chosen place.
Any questions please feel to message me or call me . Please no time wasters and please bare in mind that we are offering a first come first serve basis.
- Age: 12 weeks
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Maltipoo |
Litter Size: | 3 |
Sold So Far: | 2 |
Available: | 1 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 12 weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 054975117556 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |