For Sale
Reduced price due to only 3 left due to time wasting.
outstanding full pedigree labrador retriever "Oh so Bonnie" has had her last litter of 9 puppies 2 males 7 females all completely wonderful and healthy, so im now taking reservations for them.
Dam's parents are the truly outstanding Ilamination of light and also flch mistigris sire is kc registered liakaba's silver Walter A×4 with his parents being from the amazing dreamcoat charcoal warrior and shimmering Bella breeze.
Sire is a chocolate silver pure kc registered labrador dam is a pure breed pedigree yellow labrador retriever, the grandparents to the sire have charcoal silver and also chocolate genetics, and the dam has yellow and cream, so pups are currently all dark with charcoal and some with chocolate tones can't wait to see what they will look like after a couple of weeks.
Mum and dad have both been fully health checked and also scored with all passes and excellents I have the paperwork to show this.
Dam hips 8/8 elbow 0/0 eyes clear
Sire hips 7/8 elbow 0/0 eyes clear
Both dam and sire have the very best tempaments, dam is my child's therapy support dog and brings so much to our family she gives my child the best comfort and support from pressure support to the kisses she even tryed to stop the self harming hitting to the autism outbursts by giving hugs, shes such a gentle loving sole sire is the same and offers the same comfort he is a true life saver to his humans.
My dams parents were also therapy support dogs so the pups have the very best genetics.
The puppies are being brought up in a very loving busy family home environment with children of different ages and also other pets, they will be extremely use to all manner of noises, sounds, children of many ages and animals, plus we live near a farm so they will see the cows and tractors going past also.
I can assure you that no expense have been spared with these pups... time, Love, money and sleepless nights (lots) have been put into these beautiful pups, and even though we shouldn't from myself to my children we all form a attachment to each and every one of them and there beautiful personalitys.
Each puppy will come with 5 generations of pedigree certificates, puppy packs with all the information and support you need from day one of weights to worming dates, vet checks and feeding schedules, receipts everything is in them packs, they will also have puppy pads, a blanket from mum, worming flea and microchip, vaccinations and also contracts and a big bag of change over food plus 5 weeks free insurance giving them the very best start in life.
Pups will be fully health checked at the vets and have ears eyes and everything else checked along with the puppy packs from the vets themselves also (lots of information). The pups are now ready for visitors and lots of cuddles once you have chosen the pup of your choice a £300 deposit will be required on the day I will have receipts and some paperwork that will need filling in at this point also, and then the remainder £1000 on day of collection again with receipts and all the other bits that will come with your pup on pick up day.
I do have pictures and a group with Bonnie's previous litter in and even to this date I keep in contact and love seeing photos of how well they are doing, and still offer support and help from time to time when or if needed, I would love to do this with this litter also but I do understand it's not what everyone wants to do, But if that's the case i will offer lifetime support throughout via text or calls if you do not wish to be added in the group.
Due to a waiting list from the previous litter 2 have already sold so there is only 7 pups left available for forever lifetime homes.
Please if there's anything at all you need to no any information or details please don't hesitate to get in touch and I will get back to you asap.
2 girls are now reserved and also one little boy the remaining pups are 5 little girls and the blue collar boy
Please note I have full cctv at my property for safety.
- Age: 10½ weeks
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Labrador Retriever |
Litter Size: | 9 |
Sold So Far: | 6 |
Available: | 3 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 10½ weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 047989063903 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |