For Sale
All SOLD Except Princess
We have 9 beautiful Jack Russel puppies for sale.
7 are from one litter and 2 are from another litter. Both the mums and the dad are all our family pets! .
We have 6 boys and 1 girl in the big litter and 1 boy and 1 girl in the small litter.
The big litter will be ready to leave for their new homes from the 5th of August! And the little litter will be ready to leave from 12th of August.
Visits are encouraged to meet the puppies and their mums and their dad.
They are £475 each and I’m asking for a £150 non refundable deposit by cash or bank transfer.
Please message me if you have any questions at all :)
- Age: 12 weeks, 5 days
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Jack Russell Terrier |
Litter Size: | 9 |
Available: | 9 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 12 weeks, 5 days |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 618437771614 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |