For Sale
We have a stunning ,beautiful, happy and healthy litter of 11 adorable, and very loving pups, 6 gorgeous girls & 5 handsome boys. Mum is a small Rottweiler x Mastiff x ,
Dad is a Rottweiler x German Shepherd. So pups are 1/2 rotti,1/4 gsd & 1/4 mastif.
Both parents have a loving and gentle temprement, & loyal as these breeds are.
Mum can be seen with pups.
Born on 25thJune 2024, ready to go to their new homes from 20th August .
They will be vet checked, microchipped & 1st vaccinations will be done before leaving us.
I provide each new owner a royal canin puppy box inc food vouchers, and mum scented piece of blanky, 4 weeks free petplan insurance,& puppy info sheet for you.
They have been wormed from 2wks old.
These little babes will make excellent family pets,they have been cuddled, kissed, and loved many times daily since birth, and socialised daily with our other family dogs, & home sounds etc .
They will need to go to puppy classes for further socialisation and basic training.
They all vary in their beautiful array of colours, we have silver, blue, blondes,liver, choc & tan, black & tan, and sable, they are absolutely amazing and stunning variations of colours,as you can see in the photos.
Please call for more information/queries Or to arrange a viewing. Visits are very welcome.
Loving Pet Homes only please.
Once you haven chosen your pup, a deposit is required to reserve your pup, this ensures they get their homes and not let down.
If you have a holiday planned , not a problem , I can keep your pup safe until
- Age: 11 weeks
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | German Shepherd |
Litter Size: | 11 |
Available: | 11 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 11 weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 155925099956 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |