For Sale
Superb Champion Gundog FTCh/FTW bloodlines. Baloo a black, white and tan boy Winnie a black, white and tan girl Rupert a black and tan boy Paddington a black and tan boy Puppies were born 13/07/2024. After a clandestine affair we have a beautiful litter of stunning Working Cocker pups, with tri colour markings and black and tan colouring. Puppies are brought up on a working farm in the family home and their mother Minky is KC Reg Black and Tan Working Cocker Spaniel, as too is father Fradley of Greenfox Gundogs, Puppies can be viewed with both mum and dad alongside grandmother (Joy) and Great-Grandmother (Holly) who will all probably demand a cuddle. The puppies are well socialised, cuddled constantly, and familiar with all household noises, we actively make sure we celebrate noise to develop their resilience. They are confident, loving playing and are meeting all their developmental milestones. As you can imagine we have plenty of visitors, young and old. Puppies have a fabulous heritage and should prove to be highly responsive to training benefitting from natural heredity traits. They will make for great family pets, have a proven heritage as support dogs especially with young people with autism. Previous pups have gone on to be fabulous gun dogs and winning agility competitors. All certificates for mum/dad can be viewed when visiting. Maternal Grandfather and Father are fully health checked and DNA hereditary clear – the significance of this is that they will not develop Cocker Spaniel related conditions prcd-PRA, FN, AMS which are passed on through the paternal line. All puppies go to their forever homes with a microchip, 5 week insurance, KC reg and first vaccinations, they will be vet health checked, wormed, flea treated. We offer an aftercare advice service through WhatsApp groups, where you can also keep up to date with their siblings, sharing peer experiences and top tips. Please do not be offended, it is my duty to ensure my pups are safeguarded, so all potential pup parents will be asked many questions to ensure suitability for both pup and pup parent. Property has CCTV and is always occupied
- Age: 9½ weeks
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Cocker Spaniel |
Litter Size: | 4 |
Available: | 4 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 9½ weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | Yes |
Ad ID: | 706352126530 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |