For Sale
All puppies gone to forever homes
11 weeks old, now available for his new home. He is playful, extremely friendly and he was born and raised in a family home.
His calm, sociable, intelligent, and friendly deposition means he can be an ideal companion, easily become an addition to the family, be trained to be a therapy and assistance dog.
We work hard to ensure our puppies are sociable.
We are a Home Breeder. All our litters are bred to be healthy and to inherit similar looks and characteristics from our wonderful pet dog Flora and same stud dad, Teddy, for all our litters.
Mum is a Cavapoo. Dad is a miniature Poodle, stud dog from Cuckoo K9 - 5 Star Council Licensed Breeders. Thus, resulting in Cavapoo puppies with 75% Poodle. 25% Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Mum and dad have been extensively health tested, both have clear test results, meaning Flora and Teds’ puppies are very healthy.
Our boy puppy uses his puppy pads, eats, and drinks well.
All his 8 siblings in his litter have gone to their new homes. He is the only one now left to find a home.
He will be microchiped, wormed and flea treated. He will leave with his full vaccination and vet health check depending on when he leaves. Name given by us can be easily changed.
You will be given an information pack containing health test results for mum & dad, Vet Health Certificate, Microchip card, Vaccination Card, a bag of puppy dry food, blanket with mum's scent, a toy and pee pads.
Please feel free to ring 07927181196 for more details of this adorable, cute puppy and arrange a viewing.
Dog Owner Comments
Claire T Gosport
Today our beautiful puppy Billie has come to her forever home. Jane and Fouad are very professional breeders and I highly recommend them, we knew we wanted a Cavapoo and we selected little Billie from just a few days old and watched her develop and grow. Jane has kept us informed throughout by sending us pics videos and updates. We will be staying in contact not just breeders but new friends as well. Thanks Jane and Fouad.
Priti F. Berkshire
I would highly recommend Jane and Fouad to anyone looking for a healthy, well-socialised, and beautiful puppy. From the moment I first contacted Jane, it was clear that she was passionate about their dogs and committed to responsible breeding. Jane is incredibly knowledgeable about the breed and took the time to answer all of my questions thoroughly. She provided detailed information about the breed’s characteristics, care requirements, and gave a very informative information pack from birth. She ensured we were fully prepared for the responsibilities of dog ownership, and even now gives us all amazing advice. Bella is honestly the most loving, and caring puppy we could have hoped for. We often have people saying how well behaved and beautiful she is. She is calm, playful, and excellent with our 2 young children. Flora (Bella's mum) is also a lovely dog and has done an amazing job with all her gorgeous puppies. We all update each other in our Facebook group chat, and its amazing.
Claire T Dorset
Hugo is now 9 months old and was one of the second litter, we have had him since he was 9 weeks old and it was the best thing we did.
I would highly recommend Jane & Fouad for anyone thinking about getting a puppy. They are both amazing people & very passionate & extremely knowledgeable about their dogs & pups.
As I said Hugo is now 9 months old and they are both still very much involved in Hugo & our lives, from giving advice if we need it to keeping them updated on how Hugo is doing with lots of photos.
Cavapoos are so loving & affectionate. Hugo has brought us so much love, enjoyment & lots of laughter. He has been so easy to train, within 3 nights he was sleeping through all night in his crate downstairs.
With his Toilet training he was a little poppet, (took longer than 3 nights) but due to the breeds intelligence Hugo was very good. First night home he was up for a wee at 0300 and back to sleep.
Hugo is excellent in the car, he has his own seatbelt for the back, as soon as the engine starts, he lies down & he stays there until we stop.
No crying or whimpering, but if you introduce these things from day one they learn very quickly.
Cavapoos are the perfect family dog, they crave lots of attention, play, love & your time. Hugo follows me everywhere, he really is our furry 4 legged human xxx
Carlton M. Jersey
Hello Jane Where to start ! sea crossing was very rough! But Barney took in all in his stride whilst everyone was feeling ill, Barney and I played and bonded all the way home. He’s meet most of the family and they have all fallen in love with him (no shortage of dog sitters) First night at home, not a problem up at 2am for a wee, straight back to sleep, up at 4am wee and poo, straight back to sleep up at 5am ready for a new day. Stairs are no problem which surprised us. (follows me everywhere) Car journey in his new car seat sleep right through. The biggest shock was playing fetch with the ball he loves it, always brings it back. All this in 2 days He really is a character with his own personality. He is a credit to you both. Photos will follow on the Facebook page.
Claire F. Isle of Wight
Poppy has been a total joy. She is indeed very affectionate. We can see she comes from a loving family and is well socialised. She is - mainly - using her puppy mat and we have only had the odd bark.
The information and support provided by Jane and Fouad has been fantastic. We have had dogs before and can see the difference in having a puppy from breeders who have taken such care with the entire breeding process.
I have also learned so much already from the Facebook group.
We are in discussion with the cat, who is still of the opinion that Poppy is on loan!
- Age: 3½ months
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Cavapoo |
Litter Size: | 9 |
Sold So Far: | 8 |
Available: | 1 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 3½ months |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 912223114820 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |