For Sale
we're so proud of our beautiful lady family pet king charles cavaliers.she has had a stunning litter of 4 cavapoo puppies!
the puppies are beautiful red curly haired little playful characters,they are hypoallergenic so a great breed for asmatics or allergy sufferers!
they have been brought into a busy family home with young and older children and are used to family life other pets and household noises, they have started toilet training and are doing really well, they are weaned onto dry food and have been fully vet checked,regularly flea and worm treated microchipped and will be up to date with treatment and vaccinations before leaving for there new forever homes
mum is our pet red king charles cavalier she is 4 years old and has a gentle kind temperament, she has been fully health and heart tested and is pra and prcd clear and a copy of her health checks can be veiwed,
dad is a red toy poodle who is from a reputable stud company has a great temperament and has had all health and heart checks wich are clear from all hereditary health problems
puppies are now ready to leave for there new forever homes
if you would like to arrange to meet the puppies please get in touch via message or call to arrange a veiwing in my home with puppies and there mum...
please remember a puppy is a very big commitment and i will be looking for loving forever homes for these little fur babies
- Age: 12½ weeks
- Ready to leave: now
Type: | Private Advert |
Breed: | Cavapoo |
Litter Size: | 4 |
Available: | 4 |
Sex: | Boys & Girls |
Advert Type: | For Sale |
Current Age: | 12½ weeks |
Microchipped: | Yes |
Neutered: | No |
Vaccinations up to date: | Yes |
KC Registered: | No |
Ad ID: | 344449009875 |
Ad Statistics: | View stats |